Green dustbin is used for disposing recyclable waste. They are usually compostable, wet and biodegradable wastes such as peels, kitchen waste, cotton, coffee, tea. Green dustbin offers a way to safely dispose of household waste. Green dustbins are for kitchen waste.
If you are wondering in which dustbin you should put organic waste, then it is the green dustbin where you should put all your kitchen waste such as food items like vegetable peelings, kitchen waste, cotton, coffee, tea, plate scrapings, meat and bones, cooked and uncooked food, cut flowers and more. Green dustbin waste rots completely when buried in the soil.
There are various types of waste, such as solid waste, glass waste, biological waste, and more. These waste are collected in different colour dustbins to collect them separately. The blue and green bins are used to sort out two very different types of waste. The green dustbins are used to collect wet waste, while blue bins are used for dry waste. Municipalities use blue bins to collect recyclable materials like paper, newspapers, food tins, glass bottles, magazines, cardboard, jars and plastic bottles, tetra pack packaging, etc. On the other hand the green dustbins are used to collect garbage that comes straight out of the kitchen, such as plant or animal waste.
Green dustbin is used for disposing recyclable waste. They are usually compostable, wet and biodegradable wastes such as peels, kitchen waste, cotton, coffee, tea. Green dustbin offers a way to safely dispose of household waste. Green dustbins are for kitchen waste.
Green dustbins are used in hospitals for the collection and safe storage of wet and bioderadable wastes. Biomedica hazard waste should not be put in green dustbins. Only safe and wet waste should be placed in the green dustbin in hospitals. The contents of the green dustbin can only pollute the environment when they are in excess amounts, but they don’t pose any direct threat to humans. However they offer fertile breeding ground for germs and insects to grow that can act as a vector for spreading diseases in the premises. Therefore green dustbins should be closed from every side for all the time.
The contents of green dustbins are usually biodegradable in nature, or compostable material that can be converted to manure. Material that can be put in a green bin include Fruits, vegetables, flowers and papers etc.
Green dustbin waste can easily become the breeding ground for insects and diseases, therefore they should be stored in the green dustbin provided with a lid. Here are some reasons why green dustbin should be used in every kitchen:
Green dustbins are used for collecting waste such as food items or wet items like vegetable peelings, kitchen waste, cotton, coffee, tea, plate scrapings, meat and bones, cooked and uncooked food, cut flowers and more. Waste from green dustbins are biodegradable in nature, they break down into simpler units and can be used as manures, fertilizers, compost and biogas.